
Groundwater Mining in Bodai: Who is to be blamed?

Safe water, a rarity and a commodity: Story of Farah Nagar

Climate Change Impact on Forest Dependent Livelihoods

Building Awareness on Arsenic in Water in Buxar

Stressed aquifers and water scarcity in peri urban Hogladanga village

Nobody’s baby: Water woes in JnNURM housing colony of Bowrampet

Will 24/7 drinking water supply address the water woes of the peri-urban poor?

Institutional research in peri-urban Ganges Delta: Stories from the field

Gendered response to water misappropriation and pollution in Anajpur

Voices and Directions from the Peripheries: A Dialogue on Periurban Water Issues in Telangana

Necessity of Participatory Water management plan for Tentultala Village

Competing uses of water: The phasing out of agriculture in peri-urban Mallampet

Power Dynamics in Informal Water Markets: The Case of Kokapet