
Power Dynamics in Informal Water Markets: The Case of Kokapet

Landscape of PPPs in water services: waterrights at stake?

Industrialization and Water Distress: Story of Erdhanur Thanda

Contextualizing Telangana among other Indianstates in a privatizing water sector: Learning from patterns of budgetary allocation

Policy Contradictions and Water Woes in Peri-urban Hyderabad

Myriad Forms of Informal Water

Questioning Informality

Disappearing Greens in the Peri-urban Hyderabad

Book Review: Socio-Economic Analysis of Arsenic Contamination in GroundWater in West Bengal

Inside your water tanker

The reason of lake disappearance in the villages no one wants to talk about: The poverty-corruption nexus

Super-foods that protect against Arsenic